Gift yourself the gift of Kindness this Christmas...

Gift yourself the gift of Kindness this Christmas...

Christmas – can be a magical time for many, with celebration and gathering together. For some others it may be a difficult time of melancholy or sadness.
Right now it may feel like very different, less magical than we deserve or wish for.

Now is the perfect time for giving yourself the gift of kindness.

Something that makes you feel proud or happy or amazing or even the simplest item that just says, "you are okay".

“To you I give the gift of…”. It is such a powerful exercise and saying it out loud to yourself is a wonderful thing.

So to you all we give you the gift of knowing that whatever you choose to do this Christmas you are enough. You have always been enough and you are important. You are the best present anyone could ask for.

What gift will you give yourself?


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